Monday, May 4, 2009

258. Island Creamery

Nutella @$2.80 a scoop

After a satisfying Japanese meal at Yoshoku Kitchen next door, I headed to Island Creamery. Simple decorations but a cosy place. The walls were filled with photos of the ice-cream lovers. It was a weekday afternoon and the place was filled with students. It's a place for students who don't head home after school without getting a scoop of their ice-cream. A glance at their ice-cream, I noticed Island Creamery is not just a place for normal ice-cream. They sell weird flavours. A few of which I noticed were Teh-tarik, bandung and etc. I bought nutella. Hey, nutella don't just work on bread! It was like vanilla with swirls of nutella in it. The ice-cream was very rich and there was a strong milk taste. For handmade ice-cream, I gave a thumbs-up.

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Island Creamery
10 Jalan Serene
Serene Centre


  1. Mmmm nutella icecream sounds very nice! although I would really have loved to try teh-tarik icecream too haha

  2. Hi Grace, I have not tried the teh-tarik flavour but I think it will be nice too. Welcome to share the comments after you have tried it. ^.^
