Saturday, May 2, 2009

257. Choya

Choya's Royal Honey
Choya's advertisement in Singapore protrayed it as a plum wine ideal for women for health (to relieve stress) and beauty purposes. It was quite a surprise to know that Choya is also a favourite choice among guys. I believe some are influenced by their sisters or girlfriends. I took a liking for it when I was living in Shanghai 2 years ago. It was cold winter and a warm cuppa of Choya warmed the body. Summertime? Add Choya to sparkling water (soda water) and it's a refreshing drink. I usually go for the original Choya, the one in green bottle. I felt the original Choya is already very sweet. I couldn't drink a 100% glass of Choya. 80% would be nice. It was stated the royal honey has no sugar added. Indeed, with the addition of honey, there was a nice fragrance. A drink to sooth the throat.
Available at all leading supermarkets


  1. I would like to buy this wine . I am living in Perth, Australia. I couldnt find any shops selling this . Could you please let me know where can i buy this wine in perth or through internet. email me at

  2. Hi there, maybe you would want to try searching for them at the airport? Choya is readily available in Singapore and some other cities but Perth....not that I know of. Sorry that I couldn't be of any help. :)
